A new study shows that camping may be one of the best things you can do for your sleep.

Physical Health

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, a trip to the great outdoors can be just what you need. Spending time outdoors has been shown to reduce stress and improve your mental health. Besides fresh air, spending time in nature can also increase your energy levels and help you sleep better. So, if you’re looking for ways to boost your mood, consider going camping this weekend!
Researchers at the University of Colorado, Boulder found that a week worth of camping outdoors helped participants reset their internal clocks to follow the natural sunlight-dark cycle. The campers melatonin levels started rising two hours earlier than the campers who had been in an urban setting, according to the study published in Current Biology today.

Circadian Rhythm

The Circadian Rhythm, or internal body clock, is a crucial part of our health and is important for regulating a number of bodily functions including sleep, blood pressure, hormone release, digestion, melatonin levels, and general alertness. Research has shown that sleeping outdoors and exposed to natural light can help reset your circadian rhythm. This means that your natural sleep and wake cycle will align with the sun’s schedule.

get out

This is why it’s so important to get out in nature regularly and minimize artificial lighting throughout the day. A camping holiday is a great way to give your body the extra exposure it needs to re-set your circadian rhythm.
This is because spending time in nature can reduce our stress hormones and encourage us to choose healthier habits. After just 20 minutes connected to nature, a person can experience a drop in their stress hormones. Moreover, spending time in nature can help you sleep better and more deeply. When you wake up with the sun and fall asleep under the stars, your body resets to its natural rhythms.


When you go camping, your body is able to recharge itself. The lack of artificial light can improve your energy levels, and the vitamin D you get from the sun helps your body produce melatonin, which regulates sleep and wake cycles.


This makes you feel refreshed and energized when you return home, even after just one weekend away. This increased energy can help you finish projects and tasks that you would otherwise be too exhausted to handle.

huge amount

There is a huge amount of research out there stating that nature and time in the outdoors has a positive effect on our mood. Even something as simple as taking a walk in the park can make a significant difference to our mental health.


If you feeling depleted and irritable, a camping trip can be the perfect way to break up your daily grind. It can also give you time to think about things from a new perspective, and inspire you with ideas and solutions that could help you solve your problems.
A camping trip is a wonderful way to escape the busy, stressful lives that many of us lead. Studies show that people who go camping regularly report lower stress levels and improved mental health than those who do.


It can also improve our self-esteem and help us to feel confident in ourselves. This is especially true if we are trying new things, stepping out of our comfort zone and learning. Camping is a great way to experience this and it has many benefits for our mental health. It can give us the freedom to explore the great outdoors and spend quality time with our friends or family.